Israel – India Industrial R&D and Technological Innovation Fund
The Program
India-Israel Industrial R&D and Technological Innovation Fund (I4F) fund is a cooperation between the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, and the Israel Innovation Authority, Government of Israel to promote, facilitate and support joint industrial R&D projects, between companies from India and Israel to address the challenges in the agreed ‘Focus Sectors’. DST and Israel Innovation Authority have jointly created a joint $40 Million USD I4F fund with equal contribution from both sides over a period of five years. I4F is aimed to promote, facilitate and support joint Industrial R&D between India & Israel which would lead to co-development and commercialization of innovative technologies benefiting both the countries.
Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA) is appointed to implement the I4F program in India, while Israel Innovation Authority is the implementing agency in Israel.
Focus Sectors
Grant Funding
Joint R&D project will be co-funded by Indian & Israeli governments
Israeli Organizations / Israeli Side:
Israel Innovation Authority will support a Minimum of 0.25 Million USD to Maximum of 1.25 Million USD per project or 50% of the Israeli Project Cost whichever is lower
Project lead from Industry must contribute minimum 50% in the project – Government of Israel provides financial support of up to 50% in the project in form of Conditional Grant (repayable depending on the success, in the form of royalty up to the grant amount).
Indian Organizations / Indian Side:
DST-GITA will support a Minimum of 0.25 Million USD to Maximum of 1.25 Million USD (equivalent in INR) per project or 50% of the Indian Project Cost whichever is lower.
Project lead from Industry must contribute minimum 50% in the project – Government of India provides financial support of up to 50% in the project in form of Conditional Grant (repayable depending on the success, in the form of royalty up to the grant amount).
ISRAEL – An Israeli for profit R&D performing company, which is registered, operated in Israel as Project Lead (ISPL), responsible for the Israel application submission, leading the Israeli side of the project and communicating with the Indian Project Lead.
The Israeli Project Lead (ISPL) (ie lead company) and any other Israeli company that is signed on the Cooperation and Project and Funding Agreement, are subjected to the Israeli Research and Development Law (1984) and to the Israel Innovation Authority Board Guideline number 1.
INDIA – An Indian company headquartered in India having requisite understanding and capability to undertake related research & developmental activities in the areas of the proposed project as Indian Project Lead (INPL). Academic institutions, Research entities, other R&D institutes having headquarter and operational base in India are strongly encouraged to participate in the projects as Intellectual Contractors/Partners with Indian company (as appropriate/agreed with Indian company).
The Indian Project Lead (INPL) company applying for the project must be incorporated in India under the Companies Act 2013.
The company must be at least 51% owned by Indian citizens over the total duration of the project.
The INPL should have the required expertise and team capacity to manage the proposed project.
Important Notes:
Collaborations must be business-led on both sides
Academic institutions, Research entities, other R&D institutes are eligible to participate as Sub-contractors or Project Partners as per the Program guidelines.
Click Here for I4F Current Call for Proposal
Indian companies, kindly visit GITA website for the current Call for Proposals
Contact Details – Israel:
Ms. Sarah Rozenberg
Head, i4F Industrial R&D and Technological Innovation Fund
Israel Innovation Authority
Important note for Israeli Companies:
Israeli companies seeking further information on the requirements and application process to the I4F Fund, should refer to the Israel Innovation Authority’s Hebrew site