Bilateral R&D Incentive Program
Program's Description
Goal of the incentive program
To encourage international collaborations in all fields of innovation-based R&D, thereby assisting Israeli companies to grow via a global strategic networking system, access technological knowledge in a variety of countries, establish breakthroughs, and scale-up for their products in the global markets. This activity is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Israeli companies in the international market.
Who is the incentive program for?
- Israeli technology companies from all sectors of the industry that are interested in developing or significantly upgrading technology products with an international partner. Calls for proposals are published from time to time and give priority to specific technological fields.
What do you get?
Approved Budget:
The approved budget will not be less than NIS 500,000 and will not exceed NIS 1.5 million a year,
distributed over the program’s five years.
Level of Financial Support:
- In the first three years, the grant awarded will be between 50%-60% of the approved budget each year.
- In the fourth and fifth years, the grant will be 30% and 40% of the approved budget, respectively.
- The scope of support of the approved budget in the fourth and fifth years are subject to the company meeting the stipulated criteria.
Why should I join this incentive program?
The program will increase the investment capacity of the institutional capital market entities in the Israeli high-tech sector, thereby allowing the entire Israeli economy to share in its profits and increase investment in it.
Israeli Companies
- Israeli companies seeking further information on the requirements and application process to this program, should refer to the Israel Innovation Authority’s Hebrew site: