GCI – Grand Challenges Israel Incentive Program

Program's Description

The Grand Challenges Israel incentive program operates as part of the Grand Challenges in Global Health international initiative. The incentive program is also partnered by Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV).

Goal of the incentive program

The program supports technological innovative R&D focused on the humanitarian health challenges that exist in developing countries, with products that also have commercial potential in developed countries. Participation in this incentive program combines charitable acts and services with new business opportunities and the chance to solve global social and sustainable challenges (SDGs).

  • Submission are due on 18.10.2020 at 12:00. Decisions will be announced by late December. Submissions that will be received post the deadline will not be accepted.

Who is the incentive program for?

The incentive program is suitable for companies and entrepreneurs targeting markets in developing countries and in designated areas of focus – both are available in the Request for Proposals

The three areas of focused are as follows:

Global Health (SDG3)

  • Accessibility of health services
  • Vector control
  • Pregnant women and newborn health
  • Point-of-care diagnostics
  • Infectious disease treatment
  • Public and community health
  • Mental health

Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6)

  • Water treatment and sanitation
  • Access to clean water

Argitech and Zero-Hunger (SDG 2)

  • Post-harvest treatment
  • Irrigation in arid conditions
  • Food security and sustainable advanced agriculture

What do you get?

  • Support of 70%, 80% or 90% of the approved budget, up up to a maximum of NIS 500,000*.

* The committee can approve up to NIS 1 million support, in project that will explain and show innovative ground-  breaking solution.

Why should I join this incentive program?

Attractive conditions:
Financing of up to 90% of the budget gives the project an initial push. In addition, the incentive program offers an exemption from the repayment of royalties on the revenues received from target countries.

Exposure to new markets and potential partners: This incentive program creates bridges between entrepreneurs and potential partners in target markets.

Israeli Companies

Israeli companies seeking further information on the requirements and application process to this program, should refer to the Israel Innovation Authority’s Hebrew site: https://innovation.daatsolutions.info/program/2854


2018 Winners of GCI Program

2018 GCI winners



  • For more information in Hebrew and to apply, click here
  • For any general questions and questions regarding the application you can contact our help desk: contactus@innovationisrael.org.il, 03-7157900
  • For questions related to the nature of the project and the incentive program, please contact the Societal Challenges Division: SC@innovationisrael.org.il